NOTICE OF SERVICE DISRUPTION – Significant changes to the park entry area are underway to improve the movement of vehicles and the safety of visitors. An additional entrance lane is being added west of the gatehouse and a new parking area will constructed just past the gatehouse.
As a result of the ongoing construction work, the Conservation Area is closed to the public until we open for camping on April 25, 2025.
There is no vehicle parking, vehicle access or walk-in access to the park at the Falls Reserve Line entry point during the construction period. Updates on the project and the anticipated completion date will be provided as information becomes available.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and we know many of you will miss your regular visits to the Falls. The decision to close access is related to safety concerns and we appreciate your patience.
Questions? Please contact:
Jason Moir, FRCA Superintendent
[t] 519-524-6429 [e] [email protected]